Imagine A Group of People Focused On Helping YOU With Your Issues Related To Increasing The Income From Your Business or Job?




Yesterday, I hosted a local networking event.


Since March I've been doing a LOT of local networking and while it hasn't resulted in a flood of business for me it HAS been a learning experience.  


I've learned that most people who spend time and money attending these events get little or nothing out of them.  


One guy has been attending the same networking event every two weeks for over a year and hasn't made dollar one...not a SINGLE person in this group of 30 has even inquired about his services.


In fact, someone else in the group took a couple employees to Texas for the same training this guy has been pushing locally for over a year!  


Frustrating for him, to say the least.

I decided to start hosting my own networking events to help those that aren't being helped by traditional networking events.


Anyway, my first event had eight and the one yesterday had sixteen people attend and by all accounts everyone has been happy with their experience.


feedback2 feedback1

One of the attendees yesterday runs a local speed-dating franchise.

I thought it sounded like fun but didn't think too much about it during the event.


Later that night "speed masterminding" popped into my head.


I fleshed out the idea a bit and here is what I came up with...


My idea involves you spending time on a "hotseat" asking for help, ideas, referrals, suggestions etc. that would help your business/career.


The other people in the group will be focused on only YOU and your concerns for that period of time.


We all have different perspectives, education, life experiences, contacts etc. and you never know where a great idea/solution will come from.


So I took the idea to my group and asked if 5 people would be interested in a networking event of "speed masterminding" at a local coffee shop.


The spots were gone in a couple hours with a waiting list started for any dropouts.


Then I though about my online readers...many of whom also run their own businesses or are in sales and looking for ways to increase their incomes.


I wondered if any of YOU would be interested in "speed masterminding" via phone with 6-10 other people focused on helping you improve your business and income.


Does this idea interest you?


What questions do you have about it?


If interested, the first event is on Thursday, September 1st at


,9PM NY Time


If you're interested but this time isn't convenient, let me know what times of day would typically be convenient.


The call will be recorded and available to you afterwards and comes with the following guarantee...if you don't think you got 10X the value you invested in attending this call, just drop me an email and I'll promptly refund your money.


Think of this as hiring a board of directors to help your business.


Even when the group is focused on someone else in the HOTSEAT you'll get ideas you can use yourself.


Will this idea fly?


I don't know but we'll find out on Thursday.  


Thursday, September 1st at ,9PM NY Time


Thank you!

