Did you know that Facebook now allows videos in place of your FB cover photos?
You can see a sample of the video below...
Online reviews become more important every day and getting great reviews is only one step.
The next step is then MARKETING those reviews and getting them seen by your prospects.
A Facebook Cover Review Video is a great way to do that particularly now because video Facebook covers are new and different.
In any case I've teamed up with a group that makes these "Facebook Cover Review Videos" and I'm having a bunch produced next week as part of a Beta test program. By sharing the cost we can get them for a fraction of the normal price.
It would cost you over $1000 to have one of these done on your own when you figure in spokesmodel, music, editing, graphics, animation and production but if you'll chip in less than 10% of that I'll have one made for you.
Use this link...to get one of these $1000+ videos for only $97.
I'm limiting this to only 5 3 people, so please take care of this right now and we'll have the video to you by Friday next week at the latest.
Make it a great day!
Leo Quinn
P.S. Somewhere north of 80% is the number of people who will research a local business before they call. The more positive reviews you have, the better. If you need help getting more good reviews, let me know.
P.P.S. If you don't own a business that benefits from online reviews but you work for one or know the owner of one that does, please feel free to forward them to this page.
I do have to be firm on the limit...only 5 3 more can get in at this low investment.
Click here to be one of those 5 3.