How Starting Your Own
Podcast Could Improve
Your Life & Finances
Special Offer Expires
TONIGHT at 11:59PM!
Yeah...I know that sounds weird. But stay with me for a minute. There are MANY examples proving that is true.
A couple weeks ago I heard the suggestion..."become the success journalist for your industry."
In other words, interview successful people in your business in order to meet them, get on their radar and the radar of their contacts.
In my case, I replaced the word "industry" with "small business community".
Of course, "becoming a journalist" could mean writing a blog, doing video interviews or doing a podcast.
Podcasting is BY FAR the easiest to get started.
Literally all you need is a phone and a computer so you can upload your interviews to a podcast platform.
The podcasting platform I use is FREE.
You already have a phone.
You very likely have a computer.
So, you have all you need to start your very own podcast.
My podcast is named BizTalk518 because I talk to interesting business people in my area.
I did my first interview on November 6th and published the first six on or before the 13th.
Frankly, I've been amazed at how easy it's been to get guests for my show.
Hosting a podcast is a GREAT way to build a relationship with someone you want to know and/or do business with.
Who do you want to know you?
Potential customers, clients or patients?
Potential employers?
Potential dates?
You could do a podcast interviewing the most eligible bachelors or bachelorettes in your community and I'd bet you'd get a few dates from it. HA!
The best example of the power of podcasts to improve your life and finances is HOLLYWOOD.
More than one person has turned their career around or gotten more work by hosting a podcast.
They interview other people in the business...actors, producers, directors etc.
Other people in the industry listen to their podcast.
The host increases their notoriety, not by going to parties or going on auditions with dozens if not hundreds of "competitors" but by talking to people and building relationships, one on one.
When the time comes that someone needs their services they'll be top of mind because of their podcast.
LOTS of comedians have podcasts which have increased attendance at their shows.
I've heard there have been signs at parties which say, "don't ask people to be on your podcast."
At the start of November, starting a podcast was not at all on my radar.
I listen to a ton of them...mostly in the car. That's how I know about all the improved Hollywood careers due to podcasting!
I've been a guest on many as a result of my "Summer of A Thousand NOs"
There are a couple of adages in entrepreneurship...
"All the money you'll ever need is in the pocket of someone else"
"People prefer to do business with (give money to) someone they know, like and trust."
I think you'll agree that those are true.
By hosting a podcast, you QUICKLY get into "know, like and trust territory".
And if for some reason you end up not liking the subject of your interview (or vice versa) you haven't wasted a lot of time and energy. And you've still provided value for them and their community which will be noticed.
Other than mine, here are a couple other examples of local podcasts...
The first is realtor Deb Tomaro who has a show called "At Home in Bloomington" Look for it on your favorite podcast platform. My favorite is Stitcher.
She is from Bloomington, IN and interviews people from her community
The description from her Apple podcast page is... "Realtor Deb Tomaro brings you the people, places and resources that make Bloomington, Indiana home and help you live your best life."
She has a co-host who is in the mortgage business which makes sense. Most people who buy a house need both a realtor and someone to help them borrow the money.
I'm certain one of her goals is to become more well-known in her community because, as a real estate agent, the more people who know, like and trust you, the more money you make.
If she's smart she keeps in touch with all the people she interviews on the show on a regular basis so when they or someone they know is ready to buy or sell a house, they call her.
The other example is hosted by a guy in Marietta, Georgia...
From his site..."On July 29th, 2016, veteran podcaster Bill Nowicki launched Marietta Stories Podcast, dedicated to the wonderful people of Marietta, Georgia. Ever since, he has brought those stories weekly and has reached thousands of people."
Bill does something I've not seen other podcasters do...he walks around with headphones, a large microphone in one hand and a recording device in the other.
Bill's main business is helping businesses grow through the use of video.
Can you see the genius of having a podcast?
Instead of chasing people, trying to get them to use your products or services or hire you or date you, you start having conversations with people.
Not conversations about you but conversations about them and what's important to them.
You can have a blurb about yourself at the beginning and end of your podcast but the actual interview should be about them.
See how Deb Tamaro advertises herself, by listening to the beginning and end of "At Home In Bloomington". You can listen to how I do it too.
And it's not just about meeting the people you are interviewing. They have friends. They have social media followers. Most will share your interview with their sphere.
Those people will hear the blurb about you at the beginning and the end.
Your interview will get you more interviews as more people listen and learn about you.
Getting a podcast going is VERY easy.
As I said, all you really need to have your own podcast is a phone...(any smart phone required) and a computer.
You don't need microphones or headphones or mixers or any other technical stuff.
I use a free program to edit my podcasts but you don't even need that.
You could just record your podcasts, (free...I'll show you how) upload them to the podcast platform and be done.
I had 6 interviews done a week after coming up with the idea.
Hosting a podcast changes your whole perspective and thought process.
I used to read the paper looking to see who is advertising. Now, I'm looking for podcast guests.
I can help just about any type of business get more customers but I prefer to work with businesses that have some money to work with. You they can pay me! 🙂 Advertisers have some money to spend.
Now, instead of contacting them to try and sell my services, I can contact them about being a guest on my podcast.
It's a much easier conversation. I'm getting a MUCH higher response rate. I'm lucky to hear back from 10% of people I contact cold about my services.
Over 50% have gotten back to me so far about being a guest and most of that outreach I did was before any of my episodes were available for listening.
Now, I'll follow-up with links to the first episodes and that 50% number will go up now that people can hear what a podcast interview with me is like.
And it's fun. Most people aren't used to being asked for interviews. Everybody and their sister doesn't have a podcast. It's new and different...even 10 years after they started.
Now is the time to start one in your area or industry. My examples have been local but you could have a podcast interviewing anyone from anywhere.
As of this writing I've done seven interviews. I have one scheduled today and two tomorrow.
I get new guests just about every day.
Every podcast you do makes it easier for you to get more because you should always ask the guest for new guest suggestions.
Every podcast you do increases your credibility with potential and future guests.
I now have samples people can listen to, proving I'm not a kook...that I'm not trying to embarrass guests.
My goal for the remainder of the year is to have at least 30 podcasts done by 2020. Keep reading to see what that should be of interest to you.
Super...I hope I don't lose you here.
What you've not seen and won't on any of my products is income promises.
I don't know if or how quickly your podcast will turn into something good for you.
I do promise, if you do what I suggest, you'll become a lot more well-known in whatever community you want.
When more people know you...for positive reasons...they see you helping people and doing good things in the community...good things will happen.
But they won't happen overnight. You'll have to stick with it. The best time to have started a podcast you stick with is 3, 6, 9 or 12 months ago.
The second best time to start a podcast is January...not when things "calm down".
Make a post on Facebook, LinkedIn or social media about your new podcast. I don't care the topic. Tell your friends you're looking for guests and be specific.
"Howdy gang...I'm starting a podcast interviewing left-handed paper hangers. Who is your favorite? How do I get in touch with them?"
Granted, that's a very specific niche but you get the idea. 🙂
After you've done a few interviews, post again, this time with links to the podcasts so that people see (and hear) you're serious.
You'll get a nice jumpstart on guests by posting your interest on social media. That's how I did it.
Most people coast the rest of the year.
Those who don't coast will have great momentum going into 2020.
I've decided to help a small group of my readers start their own podcast for whatever reason they'd like.
There are a few option for people who are comfortable doing everything themselves...
And two options for people who just want to do the interviews and not worry about all the tech stuff.
So what is all the tech stuff?
NOTE: This is how I do it because I have the tools but as I mentioned, all you really need is a phone and a computer.
I record all my interviews using an old iphone I have.
I use that for both my in-person and telephone interviews.
For in-person interviews I use a dual microphone I bought last year for $25.
I edit the audios using a free program call Audacity.
I add a musical bit to the beginning and end.
I upload the finished audios to which is a free podcast host. They distribute my podcasts on various platforms.
At the exact moment I was writing this line, I got notice that my podcast is now available on a fourth platform called Breaker. Never heard of it.
So far it's also on three others...Spotify, Google Podcasts and something called Radio Public.
OPTION #1... "Start Your Own Podcast Training"
I'm keeping an online journal of what I'm doing. On Monday, November 25th, you'll get access to that journal. I'll be updating it frequently. It will include training on everything I do to book guests and conduct and edit the interviews.
I'll include videos of me using Audacity to edit my audios so you can do your own.
I'll show you the emails and messages I use to get guests...copy them.
You'll see how to set up and use your Facebook page to grow your listenership and attract guests.
I'll write about the follow-up I do after the interviews and the result. I will continue to update it until I have at least 30 interviews published.
Until TONIGHT at 11:59PM as part of my "Birthday Weekend Special", you can get the "Start Your Podcast Training" for only $ time.
Click here if you want the "Start Your Podcast Training" - $47
If the tech stuff concerns you, I'll do it for you.
First, you'll get access to everything in OPTION #1
All you have to do is send emails to potential guests and interview them when they say yes.
And YES, I'll help you come up with questions to ask.
I'll do everything else...
I'll set up the recording.
I'll set up your Facebook page.
I'll design your logo.
I'll edit your interviews, taking out mistakes and adding music to the beginning and end.
I'll upload your interviews to the podcasting platform
There are just two rules...1) Your interviews can't be longer than 30 minutes...give or take.
2) You have to get the interviews done within 90 days.
Until TONIGHT at 11:59PM, as part of my Birthday Weekend Special, I'm offering two packages...
You can decide how many episodes you want...
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 5 Episodes - $97
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 10 Episodes - $147
What happens after the 5 or 10 episodes are done?
That's up to you.
I expect some will want to take over doing it for themselves.
You'll have some momentum...people might be contacting you to be on your show and it's not that hard once you've done it a few times.
We can also talk about me continuing to do it for you.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
If you're worried because you think you'll be a good interviewer, let me assure won't be. 🙂
You'll say uh and um too much...if you're not in the habit of hearing your voice through speakers, you'll likely hate the sound of it.
You'll be a much harsher critic of yourself than anyone else.
I can also assure you, that you'll get better with each one.
So there you have it. Once this offer expires TONIGHT, I'll be adding $100 to each option.
If you have any questions, hit reply to any email I've sent and I'll get right back to you.
Click here if you want the "Start Your Podcast Training" - $47
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 5 Episodes - $97
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 10 Episodes - $147
Thank you!
Leo Quinn
Podcast Host
P.S. I doubt you've read this far down if you didn't have some idea what you could use a podcast for but let me give you some ideas...
-If you sell products or services to local businesses (like I do) a podcast interview is a great way to get your foot in the door and build a relationship by providing value first.
If you are a member of a chamber of commerce, I think a great idea is to start a chamber chat podcast and interview chamber members.
Imagine walking into a chamber event and EVERYONE knows you because you've interviewed most of them. The people who don't know you will wonder what all the buzz is about. "Why does everybody know that person?"
-If you own (or work for) any kind of local agent, real estate agent, hair salon, coffee shop, chiropractor...etc...a local podcast is a great way to raise your profile in the community.
Your guests will share their interviews with their social media friends and you'll get more exposure that way.
If your business involves people sitting for extended, hair salon etc., you could do your interviews there!
That would be great and fun AND newsworthy.
Think the local TV station would be interested in a local podcast that happens while you're getting your hair done or waiting for your food?
I do!
-Same goes for local service providers... If you're in people's homes and you notice interesting stuff, invite them on your podcast to talk about it.
"Guess what?, last week my carpet cleaner interviewed me for his podcast...take a listen!" is going to get a lot of interest from the friends of the people you interview.
-If you're in network marketing you could use a podcast to get known by more people in your area by interviewing interesting people in your area.
-If you do video biographies, interview local war veterans or some other interesting group, for your podcast. You could include an ad for your services at the beginning and end of your podcast.
-A church could increase membership by having a podcast with interviews of church members. All the church members could share the interview on their social media extending the exposure of the church.
Assuming you aren't the pastor of the church, your profile would instantly shoot up as you are mentioned every week, as the person to speak with about being on the podcast. If you're a local insurance agent or realtor or chiropractor, free advertising!
The possibilities are endless.
Click here if you want the "Start Your Podcast Training" - $47
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 5 Episodes - $97
Click here if you want "Done For You Podcasting" - 10 Episodes - $147