By The End of the "Kindle Sprint" 90 Day Program You Will Have At Least 10 Books Available For Sale on 


Price Jumps to $67 at 11:59PM TONIGHT!

Update...we have members from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Panama, United Kingdom, AR, NY, NJ, CT, HI, MI, MT, NM, SC, SD, VA, NC, FL, RI, WA, OR, CA, UT,  TX, TN, WI, MN, MA, MO & IL.




Dear Friend...


Thanks for taking a few minutes to read about the "Kindle Sprint" program.


If you're on this page, you probably saw the recent promotion for "12 Minute Books"...




It really is a great program for coming up with ideas for books you could develop and start selling on


I use the word "develop" intentionally because Kindle books aren't just about writing.  There are whole books on Amazon with just pictures!


If you're a photographer with a collection of photos on just about anything, they could be turned into a book.


A friend called me out recently by asking how many 12 minute books I had published after 10 days of talking about all the possibilities Amazon represented for earning extra money to my list.


I sheepishly admitted NONE and got to thinking how my failure (so far) could help others.


Coincidentally, I was listening to a webinar about the power of 90 day focus and the term "Kindle Sprint" popped into my mind.


If it's true that Kindle books can be developed very quickly (and it is) then doing 10 in 90 days would be simple.  


That's one every 9 days...and there are a LOT of 12 minute blocks in 9 days.  


(If it were the middle of a long, cold winter I might try to publish 90 books in 90 days but it's summer, so NO!)


Of course, it will take longer than 12 minutes to go through the process of putting your book together but ideas are EVERYWHERE.


Case in point...


Just today I picked up this at the post office...




It's a check for $196.20 from a Mystery Shopping Company I worked for earlier this month.


$16.20 of that is reimbursement for copies I made but the rest is for 10 hours of work I put in on a couple days over Memorial Day weekend.


I could do a series of books with interviews of mystery shoppers...maybe I'll call it "The Most I Ever Made As A Mystery Shopper" or "My Favorite Mystery Shopping Job" get the idea.


I have a Mystery Shopping Facebook group and I'm sure I could get several people to agree to be interviewed for such a series of done.


What?  You don't have a Facebook group where you could get content for a book?


That's OK.


You have other assets that could lead to a series of books on something you're interested in.


Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on what you DO have.


chicken soup



"The Chicken Soup For The Soul" guys were geniuses!


If you've never seen one of the the "Chicken Soup" books I'd be surprised but all they are is a collection of nice, positive stories.


The author's "wrote" VERY little of each book.


They simply COMPILED the stories into a book and made MILLIONS in the process.


They got their start when it was much harder to find stories.


These days you can GOOGLE your topic...find the stories articles or blog posts that are well written and pertain to your subject and then ask the authors for permission to use their content in your book being sure to let them know you'll provide a link to their sites and other internet sites.


Doing a book a week this way is EASY particularly if you're already interested in the topic.


Anyway, since over 140 of my readers picked up 12 minute books and the opportunity to make money as a Kindle book author is so big,  I wanted to come up with a way to help them succeed. 




Here's why you should join the "Kindle Sprint" program today...


-Accountability.  It wasn't until my friend called me out with his "how many kindle books have you written?" comment that I recommitted myself to the project. If you invested in "12 Minute Books" it's likely you've not done anything with it despite this being a tremendous opportunity to earn extra money.


-Support - You'll have a group of people who are doing what you're doing.  If you hit a stumbling block or have a question or wonder if an idea you have is a good one, we'll be there to give our help or opinion.  If you want someone to look over your book and offer advice BEFORE you hit the publish button, ask for volunteers in the group.


-Reviews - Once you've got your books published and available for sale, one of the things you'll need to help in the sales process is reviews.  We can help each other with reviews.  Of course, we shouldn't lie or mislead but if you don't like the book you can privately suggest changes or not say anything at all as your grandma would advise!


-Share Resources - There are resources that Kindle publishers use to determine popular topics.  "Kindle Spy" is a good example.  I have a copy of the program and will do some research for members.  I'm not going to become your research assistant and 5 will be the limit but others may have it too and be willing to help.


-Publicity Jumpstart - I have a big email list and 1100+ Facebook fans and once you have your 10 books published, I will gladly mention them to my followers.


-Teamwork - I wouldn't be surprised if one or more members collaborated on books.  You post a question about a topic you are considering and another member pops in with the perfect resource or experience and you decide to team up.


-Facebook - The program will all happen in a SECRET Facebook group.  Secret means no one will know you're in it nor will they see what you are doing in there.  By being in the group you'll get regular reminders from Facebook to go see what's happening.  This will help keep you focused.


-DAILY EMAILS!  - I need frequent reminders anytime I'm starting something new and I figure I'm not alone in that SO, I've decided that daily emails will be a part of this program. These emails won't be long but simply quick reminders and encouragement.


-This is a beta-test and the investment will never be this low again.  Get in now!




On Monday, I paid $98 so I could offer the Video Course Cash Kit to my readers.


It sells for $47 at the moment, but all "Kindle Sprint" members get access for FREE!


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In other words, when you join the "Kindle Sprint" program you will have the ability to develop popular books AND now popular video courses that will increase your passive income all for one low investment.



The investment to be a member of this powerful "mastermind group" is only $37 until TONIGHT at 11:59PM when it jumps to $67!




So there you have it.  


Where will you be in 90 days in your quest for more income?


If you join the Kindle Sprint today, by September 19th you will have 10 books available for sale on Amazon and be earning money.




Make it a GREAT day!


Thank you,


Leo Quinn


P.S. Imagine 90 Days from now you can tell your friends and family about all the books you have for sale on
When they ask "what's new" at holiday parties and family events, you'll have something very impressive to tell them.


They'll go look and see a bunch of positive reviews you've gotten and you can be justifiably proud of what you've accomplished.


