Attn: People Who Are Interested In Earning Extra Money

You'll be making at least $300 extra per month without leaving your home, by the end of September or I'll pay you $300 on October 1st.

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The after-effects of the pandemic have created a unique opportunity to earn extra money.

You may have noticed it...businesses who almost never posted on social media were suddenly all over it, letting people know they were open for business.
Of course, many businesses didn't survive because they didn't have a way to get in touch with their customers.
They opened the doors every day and hoped people came in.
When people got scared, they didn't come in and the businesses didn't have a way to reach them.

You can earn extra money by helping businesses get their customers to come back more often.
Why you should want to help small businesses do this?
1)They need and want this.
2) It's easy for them to understand.

3)You make your own hours.
4)You can work from home or on the beach or in a waiting room.
5)Your hourly rate will vary but if you do it right, it's north of $20 per hour.
6)You could get all the work done for each client in 10 minutes a week!'s mostly 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there...rarely do you have to sit at your computer for longer.
7)Once you get a few clients you can hire other people to do most of the work and still make a nice profit.
8)You can get clients just by sending emails.


Why YOU can be successful doing this... 

Step one is sending emails to potential clients.  I know you can send emails.


If you've read this far, it's likely because you like the idea of earning extra money and helping local businesses at the same time.

But you probably have some concerns...

I won't have the time to do all this. 
10 minutes a WEEK is all it takes per client to fulfill the service I'm going to recommend you offer....and forgive the imagery... you could provide this service on your phone in the bathroom!  It won't interfere with anything!
I don't know HOW to do all this. 
That's why I set up the Tech-Partner Program... me and my team will be there to help.
We'll actually do it all while you look over our shoulder and learn.

I don't like the idea of selling my services. 
Me either!
I let emails and webpages do all the selling.

I'm afraid I'll not be able to answer questions I'm asked.
I understand that, which is why I always suggest utter transparency when starting this type of business.
Don't hide the fact that you're new doing this.
If you're asked a question you can't answer say, "that's a good question, Let me check with my mentor or tech guy for the answer."


This whole tech-partner program idea started a couple years ago. A reader and I were on the same webinar and she sent me a message asking if I was as overwhelmed with the technical aspects of things as she was.
I wasn't.  It was pretty basic for me.
It made me think...I wonder how many of my readers who have followed my "Loyalty Club" adventures since 2009 have experienced similar "overwhelm".

I then wondered how many might feel more comfortable growing a "loyalty club" income stream if they had a person who handled ALL the tech stuff.
So, I came up with the idea to be the TECH PARTNER for my readers who want to build an income stream by working with small businesses.

First things first, we're going to simplify things.

Most small business owners are scared because of the pandemic.
They know they need to invest money in marketing or advertising but they are VERY selective in where that money goes.

They aren't going to sign up to pay $500 a month to someone they don't know who sent them an email.
Because of the pandemic we have to approach them differently.
They have A LOT going on and we need to make things super simple to understand.

I don't know who said that originally but it's true.
If you're trying to convince someone to give your services a try, and they don't know you, they probably aren't going to respond to your email with questions, they will ignore you.
That's why it's important to keep things SIMPLE...for you and for any of your prospects.
That's why this version of the TECH PARTNER PROGRAM will focus on only ONE service.
It's the only service that can produce INSTANT Customers for a business and that is what they really want.
To get some experience in providing services to business, I recommend you offer TEXT MARKETING SERVICES...

Why should you start with Text Messaging? 
Reason #1 - It's EASY to show results quickly.
A business can put a post like this on their social media and have people joining their list in MINUTES...



People who join that list will starting using their discount coupon immediately and the business owner will see those customers and attribute them to you.

You'll actually be able to give them specific STATS on how a particular text message does...."we sent it to 300 people and 37 used it."

Reason #2 - You never have to meet anyone in person. 
You never really have to speak with anyone on the phone, either.
You can get customers and deal with them, 100% over email and text.

Which means, you can offer this service to businesses around the world.
You should start in your community but you aren't limited by geography.  If you have a friend in Kalamazoo who owns a business that could use your services, sign them up! 


Reason #3 - Free Trials are cheap and easy to offer. 

Dominos is a billion dollar corporation because of 10 simple words..."Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or it's FREE"

They abandoned that slogan because of too many car accidents but it shows the power of a strong offer.

Here are some major brands that use text message marketing...


Here's what your "tech partner" will do: 
(Note...we would not be actual partners, all the money you earn would be yours to keep!)

1)Your TECH PARTNER will set up your website...before you start reaching out to potential clients you'll need a place to send them for more info.  Your tech partner will buy the domain name, handle the hosting and set up the website for you.
2)Provide you the email addresses of hundreds of small businesses in your neighborhood
3)Give you the email text to send to these email addresses.
4)When someone asks you a question you don't know the answer to, you can answer confidently... "
I'm not sure about that, let me check with my "tech guy.""
Every single person who hears that answer respects it because we've all been there.  There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
5)Your tech
partner will also be testing lots of client getting strategies on his own and sharing the best with you.

Once you have a client willing to give your Text Marketing Services a try, your TECH PARTNER will do everything to get them on board and profiting from your services quickly. 

Your main job in all this is to send prospecting emails to potential clients and doing research on Facebook.
All you'll have to do is copy and paste what I send you.
If you want to send "real" mail that's good too but you don't have to.
program will run for third quarter of 2022
By then, if you follow along and participate, you'll have the confidence to continue on your own.
During this time you'll be learning how to do most of this yourself.  I don't want you to be dependent on me forever.
Nothing builds confidence like getting clients.
I'll be your Tech Partner for the third quarter of 2022 and guarantee you'll be making at least $300 per month by September 31st.

This includes daily phone calls for the first two weeks to get you off to a fast start and then weekly phone calls to keep you on track.
I'll also be texting you every day so that you stick with it!


"You'll be earning $300 per month by September 30, 2022 or I'll pay you $300 on October 1st!"

I do this to give you confidence that it will work for you if you actually do the work. 
Follow the plan and it will work. 
Stay in touch with me...respond to my texts...participate in the phone calls, if you take action and follow the plan, this will work and if it doesn't you'll get $300.   

Remember, the ONLY thing you have to do in this program, is send email to potential clients and reply to any responses.  (I tell you what to say in both cases.)
-You'll get the email addresses of businesses in your area.
-You'll get the text to use in those emails.
-You'll get the responses to send back when you get a reply.
-You'll get your own website so that prospects can get more info about your services.
-You'll get the ability to say...when asked a question you don't know the answer to..."I'm not sure...let me check with my tech guy on that!"
-When you get someone who wants to try the service, I'll set everything up from there.
-When a client is ready to start sending text messages, I'll do that too.  You'll send me the message they want sent out and when and I'll do it.

I'll be your Tech Partner for the third quarter of 2022 and guarantee you'll be making at least $300 per month by September 31st..


Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Leo Quinn
The most logical type of business to use texting is food related.  Most people eat three times a day.  It's usually around the same times of day so text messages can be sent around those times to get the best response. 
That said, many different types of businesses can use text message marketing. 
Hair and nails are two biggies.   
Imagine you are a salon and at 1:30 you find out your 2 PM appointment has to cancel their $200 appointment. 
A quick text to their list would fill that spot in minutes. 
It might not replace the whole $200 but it would be the fastest way to fill the chair. 
P.P.S.  Text marketing is really just a foot in the door service. 
Once you are in there and have their trust, it's an easy upsell to email marketing AND social media.  
I'll be your Tech Partner for the third quarter of 2022 and guarantee you'll be making at least $300 per month by September 31st.