Here's Why I Want To Send You A Bunch of 20 Dollar Bills...

You may have seen me discussing online reputation marketing recently.


Well I'm up and running with and I have an ambitious goal for August.


I'd like to give away 100 FREE trials to businesses who want more good online reviews and fewer bad ones from their customers.


Now I could spend lots of money advertising to find those 100 businesses but I'd rather give that money to my readers for helping me.


In other words, I will pay you $20 for every FREE TRIAL you set up for me.


And by "setting up" I mean, directing any business owners you know to


Tell them to look for the FREE TRIAL button.


No credit card required just their name and contact information...and your name so you get the credit.



To get the flow of good reviews coming, all the business owner has to do is send a text message or email to their customers...




After that, their job is done and we take it from there.



It's that simple... send an email or Facebook message to all the business owners you know, directing them to 


If you want to explain that you know me, however long you have and whatever you'd like to add to give me some credibility, please do.


I'll give you examples of what to write when you contact them.


If you want to do a little research ahead of time and check out the current state of their reviews that might help.


Mentioning a particularly bad one might be the catalyst for getting them to try this service.


A business that has ZERO Google reviews is not in a good position.   What if the first review they get, and they will get one at some point, is bad?


That means they are only one bad review away from having a bad online reputation.


This system prevents that.


They may still get bad reviews from people intent on leaving one but they'll have so many positive reviews the odd bad one will be buried.


Who should you contact?


Any business owner you know personally or a business you patronize.  






Auto Repair

Furniture Stores





Hair salons

Home improvement

Tire stores

Pool cleaners

House/Office Cleaning Services


Carpet Cleaners  etc. etc.


Any place where a person might go online and search for reviews first.


And they don't have to be local to you...if you live in NY and know a business owner in San Diego, that is fine.


So that's my story.


If you're interested, simply give me your details below.


I want to make sure you get credit for any referrals you send.



If you have any questions, please send them over.


Thank you,


Leo Quinn


P.S. And yes, if you send me a free trial who ends up being a paying customer you'll earn a commission every month for as long as they remain a customer.



Sign up now!