My Adventures with...
October 29 Part 2...
As I'm writing this it's 5:40PM...I should be calling but got a notice that the project was done...
I called for a total of 39 minutes...not sure how that works for pay but I'll find out.
For your first call, I'd recommend not taking an assignment unless you have at least 30 and preferably 60 minutes to prepare and review procedures.
We DID get access to the questions and were able to practice before the calling began.
These were my questions...
Shortly after I accepted the project I was sent an email with all the details...
Assignments | 3-4 MDT | 4-7 MDT |
ALL SEATS | PA CD 1 | AL Statewide Oct |
- MOST IMPORTANT: Always read each question on the script VERBATIM. Do not shorten or alter the question(s) in ANY WAY! If you are not reading the script VERBATIM you may be asked to log off/clock out and review the script requirements before continuing on with the current project or working another project.
- Make sure to always ask the FOLLOW UP question listed in the script especially if the respondent doesn't give you one of the EXACT answer options listed below the question. (Probe for intensity)
- Never LEAD the respondent to an answer, as that will BIAS their responses. REMAIN NEUTRAL AT ALL TIMES (e.g. don't give your own opinions, mention questions asked earlier in the survey, tell them what they should pick, or go off script)
It took me awhile to figure out all the things I had to do but from now on I won't need more that 10 minutes to get set up.
I got notice about 5 before 5PM that my survey was available so I logged in and actually started calling about 3 minutes before 5.
We don't actually hear the phone ringing. We hear music and see this while the system dials...
When a call is answered, either by a human or voicemail we are connected. That's probably the infamous pause you experience when you get a call like the ones I was making.
I tried to keep track of how many calls were made and how many people I spoke with but after 10 minutes and 40-50 tries, I gave up trying to keep track.
Here's what I know...
Most calls went to voicemail...I talked to at most 20 people and got 1 survey actually completed...40 cents for me in this case.
Some of the people I spoke to said I had the wrong number...a couple said that they no longer lived in PA and a couple said, take me off your list.
Despite having a solid hour to prepare I made a mistake for about 20 minutes.
During calling we have access to these three buttons at the bottom of the screen...
The green arrow advances the questions as you ask them.
The red button is what you push if they refuse the call (hangup) or it's a wrong number...
For the first 20 minutes when I got a voicemail I clicked the red button, chose refused and on the next screen chose UNREACHABLE.
Turns out that was a mistake. I was troubled by the fact that VOICEMAIL wasn't an option in the REFUSED category.
I didn't push the middle icon because that's the universal symbol for PAUSE, right?
Twenty minutes in I pushed the pause button and...
So from then on I chose voicemail when that's what I got.
Not sure if that hurts me but I'll find out.
I did have a few instances of technical difficulties. One time when someone answered, the SEARCHING screen wouldn't disappear...sometimes refreshing my screen helped and sometimes it didn't.
One thing to be aware often won't hear the person answer...if the searching music stops and you don't hear voicemail you should start with your this case, "Good evening may I please speak with..."
I did have trouble with some of the last names and if it looked too hard to pronounce smoothly, I skipped it...I don't know if that hurts me.
This is what the time clock portion of things looks like...
Since I didn't get to the 60 minutes I was scheduled to do, I don't know how much I'll get paid.
Another tip...take your's easy to feel rushed with the music and the spinning wheel.
I started my calling at 4:57...and was shocked when I looked at the clock and it was 5PM (three minutes later) and my tally sheet showed at least 20 calls.
Also, I wouldn't count on anything other than the $10 per hour. I called for 39 minutes and got 1 survey completed...40 cents whooo hoo!
Most people don't answer unknown calls these days....I don't.
There were two projects available today...the 3 hour one paid $1 per completed survey. I assume it was a much longer survey.
I wouldn't take one that long until I find a way to stand during calls.
If you're doing this with a laptop, I recommend using a mouse rather than the finger pad. Things will be easier for you.
I think that's all the tips I have for now. Any questions, let me know.
October 29...Part 1
My headset arrived yesterday and today I signed up for my first project...
Not listed on that email is the fact that there are two calling projects today...3-4PM and 4-7PM.
Since this is my first try, I signed up for the 1 hour slot. If I don't like it I don't want to be committed for 3 hours! 🙂
I got to the signup sheet about 30 minutes after it was sent...there were still about 10 seats available for the 1 hour project but the 3 hour project was full.
This session is 5-6PM my time so I'll be in place around 4:30 to review some training videos to make sure I remember the procedures.
I'm hoping they send us the questions ahead of time so I'm comfortable with what to say...pronunciations and such.
October 26...
Yesterday, I got notice that there was a project available. I wasn't in a position to get the details but I looked at it today.
That notice first came via email...
And then a few minutes later via an app called SLACK which they use to communicate with the contractors...
You'll notice that a couple hours after the first alert went out, they still had seats available so the competition doesn't seem to be cutthroat.
I made a quick video on how you sign up for a calling slot...
October 24...
Today, I did order this headset for making calls. It arrives Monday.
This evening I watched at least 21 videos on how to use various aspects of the system. Most were under 4 minutes...some under 1.
Here are a few samples...
October 21st...I noticed their ad and filled out their I recall it was about 18 questions...including some reading comprehension.
I couldn't go to step 2 in the process because I had to be at my computer with the camera and it was late at night.
On the 23rd I finally got around to the video self interview that was 4-6 questions which I submitted around 11:30AM.
Early on the 24th I got notice that I was hired if I want to be and was instructed to reply if I wanted to move forward. I did so and later that afternoon I got three emails...
- G1 Setup information including how to download the dialing software...called Zoiper
- An onboarding email with links to this information... Here is the link to the New Contractor Information Document, be sure to read through this document thoroughly! Here is a getting started checklist to help you navigate the on-boarding process that is explained in the New Contractor Information Document.We also got links to recommended headsets we should use for calling if we don't have a good quality one. this one or this one I chose the first one and it arrives on Monday the 28th so I'll use the time between to get familiar with all the tools and rules.
- A link to the SLACK workspace where we login to start working.
I will keep this page updated with my experience and dates things happen with the G1 Research Company.
I'll add anything new to the top with the date so you'll know quickly if anything is new.
I recommend a quick visit once a day to see if anything is new.