How Much Closer To Your Goals Would You Be If You Had Someone Calling You Everyday To Review Your Actions From The Previous Day? 

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February 12, 2022


"The Conundrum of Human Nature...Knowing Exactly What You Need To DO ...But Not Doing It On A Consistent Basis" - Weldon Long


Unfortunately, that quote describes me very well and maybe you too.


I know all the things I SHOULD be doing to achieve my goals and I do some of them but not all I COULD be doing.
Fact is, when I'm consistent I accomplish things.  Same for anyone.
Case in point, since January 10th, I've been on a 40 day sugar fast with a cousin.
I weighed 197lbs on 1/10 and on 2/9 I weighed 186.
I haven't been perfect.
I've attended two birthday parties during this time and I had cake.
But other than that, no cookies, cakes, donuts or other sugary treats.
I stuck with it because I didn't go it alone.
I made regular reports to my cousin which kept me in line...mostly.



Based on the results I've had for the no-sugar experiment, I've decided to try a 30-Day Consistency Coach experiment.
For just 5 people I will be your CONSISTENCY COACH for 30 days.
Every day from February 21st to March 20th I will call you to check on your progress towards whatever goal you want to accomplish.
Between now and 2/21 you and I will decide on some simple DAILY actions you can take toward your most important goal.


Who would benefit from an Consistency Coach?

-Anyone with a goal

-Any salespeople

-Anyone who is self employed

-Anyone who belongs to a network marketing company

-Anyone who wants to write a book

-Anyone who wants to improve their health with diet and exercise

-Anyone who has a to-do list that never seems to be-done.
-Anyone who wants to learn a musical instrument


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long do the Consistency Calls last?

A. 5-10 minutes will be typical.  Some will be shorter or longer depending on what you're working on.

Q. Can I gift this to someone who could use it?

A. Certainly but it shouldn't be a surprise.  Some people, even though this would help them, wouldn't be interested in having this help.  So, check with the recipient first!

Q. Is this open to people in countries other than the U.S.?

A. Yes.  We'd have to find a time that works for both of us but it will work.


Here's how it works...
Once a member, we'll pick a time for me to call you each day so we can check in on your task list.
What went well?
What could have been better?
What's the plan for the current day/week?
etc., etc., etc.
These calls will be at a time convenient for both of us.
Of course, things come up and you or I might not be able to make our regularly scheduled time but we'll make it work.

You'll also be able to email or text me any questions or requests for feedback anytime during the month.

The one-time investment in this coaching is only $67


CLICK HERE to join for one month of Consistency Coaching calls. 



There is no automatic billing here.  This is a one-month program only.   

So there you have it.


If this sounds good to you...


If you need someone to encourage and support you in one or more of your projects, let's get going.


Only 5 spots available.


Any questions, please let me know.
I'll close as I began..."The Conundrum of Human Nature...Knowing Exactly What You Need To DO ...But Not Doing It On A Consistent Basis" - Weldon Long
What is it that YOU know you should be doing but that you aren't doing consistently?


CLICK HERE to join for one month of Consistency Coaching calls.
Thank you,


Leo Quinn


P.S. If you'd rather not use your card through Paypal or if you're just more comfortable with Zelle or Venmo you can use these...
For Venmo use...
For Zelle use...  
