DEADLINE:  Tonight at 11:59PM!

If you want to make money online QUICKLY, you need an email list of people who know, like and trust you. "

"Club 1000" will help you get that list!

UPDATE: In his first 72 hours, new "Club 1000" member Craig's audience grew to 101 people, starting from zero.


December 13, 2015


Dear Friend:


You're on this page because you have a desire to earn money from an internet-based business.


The best way to do that is by building a list of people interested in a topic you have an interest in and who will respond to messages you send them.


There are two ways to build a list. (an audience)


One way involves spending lots of money to buy advertising that gets your message in front of a lot of people in a short period of time...a small percentage of whom will join your list or buy what you are selling.


If you're lucky you'll make a profit after paying for your advertising.


The other way to build a list is to put out good, free information that helps people and draws an audience to you naturally.


That's not the fastest way to make money online but it's the most realistic way for those who don't have thousands of dollars to spend on advertising.


We are lucky these days because there are many FREE ways to get your message out to people who can be helped by it.







It's free and easy to spread your message on these platforms....if people notice it.





I totally understand about creating an audience before creating a product or service but am still having trouble wrapping my head around HOW to make money.
- Larry from Wisconsin


"10 Ways To Turn Your Audience Into Money"
1) As an affiliate. 
Assuming you don't live in Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, Rhode Island, or Vermont,  Amazon pays a commission, so you can earn money recommending products. 
The nice thing is, even if they don't buy the item you are recommending, if they buy anything on the site within the next 24 hours, you'll earn a commission on that.
2) As an affiliate for other products.  Find products in marketplaces like Clickbank...become an affiliate and earn money recommending them to your list.
3) Developing your own products/services
4) Selling advertising to your list and on your website
5) Coaching program...administered via phone/email/skype
6) Starting a membership site
7) Cost per action offers,,,there are offers that will pay you if your list members do fill out a form with their email address and or phone number....these are better known as CPA offers.
8) Sponsoring live events.
9) Consulting
10) Host webinars / teleconferences
The fastest way to start earning money on #1...once you have as few as 20 people on your list you can start recommending free kindle books to your list based on their interests. 
If they buy anything within 24 hours of clicking the link you send, you'll earn a small commission. 
You won't make a fortune but it will start the ball rolling!
Most "Club 1000" members will focus on 1, 2 and 3.


The idea behind "Club 1000" is a group of people with a shared goal of growing our following on these platforms to at least 1000 REAL people.  (It's easy to get 1000 robots to follow you but they don't buy things!)


-1000 email subscribers
-1000 Twitter followers
-1000 Facebook Fans
-1000 Instagram followers
-1000 Pinterest followers
-and earn your first $1000


*NOTE... If you already have a following of over 1000 people but you don't know what to do next to monetize this list "Club 1000" will help you too!


The challenge is there is no end to the strategies out there for growing your audience on these platforms....


contestviper hl1
hl5 hl6 hl7 hl9 hl8


It can take a lot of time, energy and money to test these strategies yourself.


If you spend 3-5 days testing something that ultimately doesn't work, you've wasted time and money and you're probably discouraged.


As a "Club 1000" member you'll be part of a team of people testing these strategies.


Imagine testing 10 or 20 strategies at one time?


You can't realistically do that yourself but you can be privy to those results as a member of "Club 1000".


Think about how quickly you could grow your audience when you can quickly find strategies that work for you and then focus on them!


Here's how it works...


-I find and/or purchase access to programs designed to help us grow our audience on the most popular platforms. (Facebook, Twitter etc.)


-I  test some of the programs myself and ask for volunteers in the group to test others.


-If there is money to be spent in the testing phase, I spend it.


-Product testers will share their results with the group


Here's an example...

On Tuesday, December 1, 2015,  I started a new Twitter account.(I'm starting a new niche from scratch).


I followed 55 or so people on that first day and tweeted twice.


I then hooked up my account to a product called WP Tweet Machine...



After 24 hours my Twitter account  looked like this...



One week later it looked like this...




My total involvement in these numbers was following 55 people and tweeting 4 times.


In other words, WP Tweet Machine tweeted relevant content 76 times, followed over 130 other people and liked 78 posts.


My audience in this new niche grew by 83 people and I didn't touch it.


I paid $54 for developer's rights to the Tweet Machine and "Club 1000" members will get it hooked up to their Twitter accounts for FREE as part of the membership.


Friday December 5th I purchased these 5 products...

hl2 hl3 pubprofitmantra finallyfree pushclickcommissions


Over the next few weeks, "Club 1000" members and I will be putting these to the test to see if they work as advertised.

I spent $48.04 on them....




I probably could have gotten review copies but I don't want any special treatment because the person with no list can't get review copies.



Club 1000 has been open less than one week and I've already spent over $600 on products and services to review and in some cases share with Club $1000 members.

Here are two BIG ones I am able to share...

First up, a WordPress plug-in from the App Sumo guys called Giveaways which is designed to help you grow your email list virally using contests.

Decide on a prize and take 5 minutes to set it up.

The contest pages look great but the "secret sauce" is that people are encouraged to share the contest with their friends and audience via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and email.

When one of their friends enter your contest they get more entries so it is in their best interest to share.

If you research the Giveaways Plug-In you'll see reviews like this...




I found one guy who got 260 on his list in one week running his contest giving away stuff he got for free.


Here is my contest... 



After 48 hours I have 119 contestants and I've only mentioned it to a very small percentage of my entire list.




You can pick up this plug-in from App Sumo for $198 or if you want Developer rights like I got, it will cost you $594.


You'll get access to this plug-in for FREE as a member of "Club 1000".


Next one...


Last night I paid $390 for the commercial version of a program called Viral AutoBots.


In a nutshell it allows you to find and auto post content that went viral on other Facebook pages.


You type in your Keyword and it returns pictures and videos that got hundreds and thousands of likes and shares.


If you post the same on your Facebook page you'll usually see higher than normal engagement.


I posted a picture on my Facebook page last night...about 12 hours ago now.


This picture got over 3500 likes on it's original Facebook page...



After just 12 hours you can see how different the engagement is compared to my posts over the last 2 months....



I don't post much on that page because even though I have almost 1100 fans, nothing gets much interest.  This has reignited my interest in Facebook.


You can pay $39 for the basic version of this program...$93 if you want all the upsells or $390 if you want all that plus commercial license. (if they are still available)


"Club 1000" members get their own access key for FREE with membership.


No more lonely Facebook pages when you start using this program.  I actually picked up a couple new fans in the first couple hours after posting that picture.


You can read more about these programs and verify the pricing by clicking these links...


App Sumo Giveaways Plug-in

Viral AutoBots

Pay full price there or come back here and join "Club 1000" and get access to them for FREE!




So doing the math...during the last week I've spent $48.04 on products, $27 on the Tweet Machine and over $600 on the Giveaways Plug-in and The Viral AutoBots program...that's over $700 I spent that Club 1000 member don't have to spend.


Of course, I won't be spending $600 every week but if this is the value you get in week one imagine the accumulated value you'll get as a member for a year.


What's next?

If you've read this far you must be serious about growing an online business that ultimately allows you to make money from anywhere in the world, yes even in your underwear!


Are you ready to quit the struggle of going it alone with the help and support of other people just like you?


Then join "Club 1000"...

Membership includes:

-Access to a SECRET Facebook group.  (secret means your other FB friends can't see what you're doing in there) If you're not on FB and won't join, this won't work for you.


-Access to any products I buy the rights to during your membership (I typically spend hundreds of dollars a year on these)


-Access to in-depth reviews of products I can't buy the rights to


-Access to test results of using these products.  No more wasting your time or money on stuff that doesn't work!


-Daily emails - these will be short and motivational...designed to keep you focused


There are two options for membership...

Monthly...cancel anytime...only $47 per month.


Yearly...$ $367 plus get these bonuses...

-Your own website and hosting for a year
(bonus good for yearly membership only)


DEADLINE - TONIGHT at 11:59PM the investment for yearly membership goes to $247 


Priority "Club 1000"

Order Form

"Single Payment"

  • $197 today, then no further payments
  • Access to all training and updates for one year.
  • Free domain name, blog and hosting for 1 year ($100 value)
  • 30 day money-back guarantee

1 Payment Today:

"Payment Plan"

  • $47.00 today and then $47.00 every 30 days
  • Access to all training and updates during membership
  • 30 day money-back guarantee
  • Cancel anytime

First payment:


Recognize, to be fair, the membership investment MUST go up.


Every week we'll be spending money adding products to the "testing lab".


In a few months we'll have reviewed maybe a couple dozen products and it wouldn't be fair to the early members if the later members got it all for $47 or $197.


If you spend time and money on these type products, this will be the best investment you can make.


I look forward to working with you in "Club 1000".


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send them over.


Thank you,


Leo Quinn


P.S.  At least three of the new "Club 1000" members already have substantial online followings but they haven't monetized those lists. Club 1000 will help them do that.  


If you already have a list over 1000 it can help you monetize your list as well.


Call me with any questions.  No, really...I'll answer! (or call you right back)

Call 518-288-8711  until 11:30PM NY Time


P.P.S.  Want to make more money and not work a "real" job?


Find a way to help more people.


Building an online following is the best way to help a lot of people quickly.  


You have skills and interests you can turn into money with an online following.


"Club 1000" will get you there!


Get started today!


Priority "Club 1000"

Order Form

"Single Payment"

  • $197 today, then no further payments
  • Access to all training and updates for one year.
  • Free domain name, blog and hosting for 1 year ($100 value)
  • 30 day money-back guarantee

1 Payment Today:

"Payment Plan"

  • $47.00 today and then $47.00 every 30 days
  • Access to all training and updates during membership
  • 30 day money-back guarantee
  • Cancel anytime

First payment:

DEADLINE - TONIGHT at 11:59PM the investment for yearly membership goes to $247