Join My 10,000 Cold e-Mail Project?



You may have seen me mention my project of cold emailing at least 10,000 people between now and October...exactly 102 days from now as I write this.

And to be clear, a "cold email" is an email sent to someone I don't know and who has never heard of me who I think would be a good fit for my products or services.

I'm off to a roaring start...9!  Only 9,991 to go!

BUT I did get one response so far from those 9 and it was positive so I'm excited about what could happen by emailing thousands of people.

And that's where you come in IF your business or job would benefit from cold emailing.

It occurred to me as I was doing the research for these first 9 emails that I could invite other people to join me on this project and I wouldn't have to come up with all 10,000 email addresses myself.


I could help some of my readers build their businesses and they could help me reach my goal of 10,000 cold emails sent.


The question you need to answer is, can you easily gather the email addresses of at least 100 (200, 500 or 1000) people you think are a good fit for your products or services?


If yes, keep reading...if no, then you can leave now and carry on with your day!  🙂

All you would need to give me would be the emails to send to, the text of the email you want sent out and for best results, some way to personalize each email.

You can see how I did it in the video below...


If this appeals to you, send me an email with some information about the cold emailing you'd like to do and the number of emails you'd be able to come up with.


The email address to use is


I'll get back to you with more info.










